Tonight on Hardball—After weeks of heated debate over the tax deal, President Obama signed the bill into law today. Is this Obama's big comeback? Plus—Could we see the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell this weekend? Three more Republican Senators plan to vote to overturn it, making the chance of repeal very real. We'll talk with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) about this weekend's vote.
And then—We'll count down the five biggest political lies of the year from Politifact. Don't miss them! Plus—The Founder of Tea Party Nation, Judson Phillips, and Republican Strategist John Feehery will talk with us tonight about how the movement plans to co-exist with establishment Republicans once the Grand Old Party takes over the House next year.
Plus—It's got all the makings of a bad joke—Why did a Dallas strip club owner give Newt Gingrich a V.I.P. membership to her club? Find out in tonight's Hardball Sideshow!
Erin Delmore wrote the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.
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