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Monday's views on Sunday's news: McConnell and Kerry make their case

Written By Anonymous on December 06, 2010 | 8:47 AM

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Image: McConnellDavid Gregory writes: One of the most contentious issues facing the Congress right now is the debate over whether or not to extend the Bush-era tax cuts. So important, in fact, that every Republican in the Senate signed a letter saying they will block any legislation from coming to a vote until an agreement is made on the tax issue.

My exclusive guest this morning was leader of the Senate Republicans, Mitch McConnell. I asked him about the tax cut issue and, though he would not get in to specifics, he said he remains optimistic that the two sides can come together and make an agreement. Further, he told me, not going up for anybody in the middle of this recession."

Following my sit down with Senator McConnell, I was joined by chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee John Kerry. I wanted to get him on record regarding the tax cuts as well. He told me that he also believes there will be an agreement on the tax cuts. However, he said, "the Republicans are fighting to keep in place a tax policy that has failed over the last eight years."

After the tax discussion with each senator, I asked them both about some of the major foreign policy issues including WikiLeaks and the war in Afghanistan. Both Senators Kerry and McConnell seemed to agree on their assessment of WikiLeaks and its founder, Juilian Assange. Senator McConnell called him a, "high-tech terrorist" while Senator Kerry said real damage has been done, possibly to the point of some ambassadors being forced to change posts because other countries won't work with them.

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Next Sunday: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg
Image: BloombergThe economy and politics - an exclusive interview with the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg.

MTP Monday Trivia
This week's trivia question: Thirty-five years ago which Senator entered in the Cong Record and said this on Meet the Press: "the person in the hot seat need never worry if he just told the truth?"

Executive Producer Betsy Fischer (@BetsyMTP) reveals the answer this week via Twitter.

Last week's question: Which Chair of Sen Finance Cmte said this on Meet the Press: "Not much ever happens in a lame duck session that's constructive."

Answer: Then-Senate Finance Chair Bob Dole

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