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Morning Minutes for Tuesday, Dec. 14

Written By Anonymous on December 14, 2010 | 8:59 AM

Overheard on Morning Joe
White House's changing tone
Joe Scarborough: "So much of this White House has to do with tone... I talked to former press secretaries and former presidents in the last 2 years and they all understand that the press secretary does the president's bidding and they've been concerned with Robert's approach the first two years. But that's all changed markedly since the off-year elections. This sort of pit-bull persona has gone away and he's back to the Robert that we loved during the campaign... This seems to be a White House, right now, emotionally, more at peace with themselves."

Read Joe Scarborough's latest Politico column: GOP budget hawks chicken out early

Fmr. PM Gordon Brown on tax cut package
Gordon BrownFormer British Prime Minister Gordon Brown: "You've got to look at the long term perspective here. In the short term it looks as though you're adding to your debt. But in the long term you've got to get growth. If you don't have growth, you don't have jobs. If you don't have jobs, then revenues go down. If you don't have revenues than you've got a bigger debt and a bigger deficit... you cant recover overnight, you can't go back to normal." Watch the video.
'The Last Boy': Mickey Mantle
MantleAuthor, Jane Leavy sits down to talk about her best selling book, "The Last Boy: Mickey Mantle and the End of America's Childhood." Watch the video.
Latest video

Dec. 14: Gov. Bob McDonnell and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell join Morning Joe to talk about the federal judge in Virginia's decision to declare President Obama's health care plan unconstitutional. (Other)Gov. Bob McDonnell and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell join Morning Joe to talk about the federal judge in Virginia's decision to declare President Obama's health care plan unconstitutional. (Other)

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