The New York Times
Wed, December 22, 2010 -- 1:26 PM ET
Deal for 9/11 Health Bill Reached in Senate
A deal has been reached in the Senate to approve a bill that
covers the cost of medical care for rescue workers and other
individuals who became sick after breathing in toxic fumes,
dust and smoke at the site of the 2001 attacks on the the
World Trade Center.
The action was a dramatic turn of events for a bill that
stalled in the upper chamber. Only 12 days ago, Senate
Republicans blocked the bill from coming to the floor for a
vote after raising concerns about its $7.4 billion cost.
But Republicans eventually backed down after facing a barrage
of criticism -- not just from Democrats but also from
traditional Republican allies, including former New York City
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and conservative news outlets like
Fox News.
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