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Monday's views on Sunday's news: Senators preview what's ahead in aftermath of Tucson

Written By Anonymous on January 17, 2011 | 9:05 AM

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Image: Roundtable
David Gregory writes: With hearts still heavy from the tragedy in Tucson, there were some really remarkable moments that that helped counterbalance the nation's grief.

There seemed to be a bipartisan consensus that the president's speech was appropriate and moving. The president broke the news that Rep. Giffords had opened her eyes for the first time since the shooting. The moment brought the crowd to its feet and really proved to be the first refreshing moment since last Saturday.

Joining me this morning was one of Rep. Giffords' good friends, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY). Gillibrand was in the room when Giffords first opened her eyes. Here is how she described it:

"Now being in the room at the time was an extraordinary moment, a moment-- you-- you really can't imagine. But it literally was the will of her husband drawing her out, saying, 'Can you see? Can you see? Can you open your eyes? Can you see me?' And she let him know by giving -- giving him a thumbs up that she could see and that she could actually understand what he was saying. And it was an extraordinary moment, because-- it was all about her courage and her strength."Now being in the room at the time was an extraordinary moment, a moment-- you-- you really can't imagine. But it literally was the will of her husband drawing her out, saying, "Can you see? Can you see? Can you open your eyes? Can you see me?" And she let him know by giving -- giving him a thumbs up that she could see and that she could actually understand what he was saying. And it was an extraordinary moment, because-- it was all about her courage and her strength."

Though Giffords has not yet been able to speak, Gillibrand said she is making tremendous progress and continues to improve each day.

Following Gillibrand I was joined by the senior senator from New York, Chuck Schumer, and Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. Divisive politics had temporarily subsided, but it is now beginning to creep back to Washington and I wanted to get their take on what Tucson will mean for the new Congress.

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Next Sunday: Exclusive! House Majority Leader Eric Cantor
Image: CantorJust days before the President delivers his State of the Union Address, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) joins us for an exclusive interview. How will Republicans exercise their new majority in the House? Can the trend of compromise from the lame duck session and the tone of civility in the aftermath of Arizona continue in the 112th Congress, particularly with divisive battles on health care ahead? And what affect will the Tea Party members' influence have over the rest of the GOP agenda? All this and more, coming up on next Sunday's Meet the Press.
MTP Monday trivia
This week's trivia question: As of Sunday's show, Tim Shriver, his sister Maria and his dad, Sargent have all now appeared on Meet the Press. Name 3 other families to have a father, a son & a daughter all make appearances on the program over time.

Executive Producer Betsy Fischer (@BetsyMTP) reveals the answer this week via Twitter.

Last week's question: Besides the Daley boys and the Kennedy boys name 3 (out of at least 6) other sets of brothers to have appeared on the broadcast

Answer: Bennett (Bob-Bill), Buckley (William F.-James), Dean (Howard-James), Dulles (Allen-John Foster), Hutchinson (Tim-Asa), Rockefeller (Nelson-Winthrop), Roosevelt (James -Franklin Jr.), Udall (Stuart-Morris)

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