|  | |  | | | | |  | Overheard on Morning Joe Obama walks fine line on Egypt Joe Scarborough: "I talked to someone who worked the Middle East for the CIA. He said if [Obama] decides to run away from Mubarak -- and Mubarak survives -- that's a nightmare. It sends a terrible message, not only to Mubarak but to our other allies helping us in the war against terror." Watch the video. 'Egypt is in play' Richard Haass, Council on Foreign Relations: "At the moment, everyone knows what they are against... Phase 2 is after you achieve your immediate goal, in this case getting rid of Mubarak. Then, people start falling off because they can't agree on what they are for. And that's when it gets interesting." Watch the video. See a slideshow of world reaction to the unrest in Egypt. Basketball Legend Walt 'Cylde' Frazier talks fashion Walt Frazier, NBA legend: "A lot of my critics called [one of my jackets] a cow...I was looking for fabric for furniture: I was in a store and I see the cow pattern and I also see the leopard pattern and I go, "Wow, that might be great for a suit!"" Watch the video. | | Latest video | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | |  | Tuesday's guests: Mike Barnicle, Andy Serwer, Politico, Nicole Lapin, Chris Hayes, Fmr. Gov. Ed Rendell, Chuck Todd, Julianne Moore, Mark Shriver, Eugene Robinson, Erin Burnett... | | | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | Zeitgeist Video: Zuckerberg shows up on SNL |  | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | Driving the Week Mark Halperin: Replay Driving the Week Web chat - all-Egypt edition |  | | | | | |  | | | | | To remove yourself from the list simply click here to unsubscribe. Click here to manage your e-mail preferences. MSNBC Interactive News - One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052 | |  |
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