J. paul getty III
J. paul getty III
Bruno Vincent / Getty Images

J. Paul Getty III Dead at Age 54 After Life of Turmoil
Being born into a multi-billion dollar oil family did little for J. Paul Getty III
Getty’s son, actor Balthazar Getty, confirmed that his father died this past Saturday in a London castle surrounded by family. Though the cause of death was not disclosed, Getty was known to have had significant health issues for most of his adult life — issues which stemmed from a stroke he suffered in 1981 which left him paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.
But that life began to veer toward the tragic several years beforehand when Getty got kidnapped. His family was reticent to pay the multi-million-dollar ransom. In an effort to sway them, the kidnappers cut off Getty’s ear and mailed it to the Italian newspaper IlMessaggero. When the dust finally settled, the Gettys forked over $2.7 million and J. Paul was freed after 5 months of captivity. But one has to wonder what type of permanent damage was suffered aside from the obvious mutilation.
After his release, Getty embraced an alternative lifestyle, ultimately becoming a known carouser within the hippie counterculture still prevalent during the early 70s. Then, less than a decade later, Getty suffered a stroke as he was undergoing treatment for alcohol abuse. After the stroke, he required around-the-clock care.
But that didn’t stop him from living life to the fullest extent he could. Son Balthazar had this to say about his dad: “[He] never let his handicap keep him from living life to the fullest and he was an inspiration to all of us, showing us how to stand up to all adversity. We will miss him terribly.”
Getty challenging and often tragic life serves as a reminder that no child is immune to turmoil no matter what type of family he or she comes from.
Source: AP
J. Paul Getty III: Who Was Balthazar Getty’s Father?
Here are five things to know about the late John Paul Getty III:
1. J. Paul Getty III was the grandson of oil tycoon, Jean Paul Getty. His parents were Paul Getty and Gail Harris.
2. He grew up in Italy, mainly in Rome. His father was the head of the Italian division of the family oil company.
3. In 1973, J. Paul Getty was kidnapped in Rome, and a ransom note surfaced asking for $17 million dollars. The ransom was eventually paid six months after his abduction, and he was returned home.
4. In 1981, Getty suffered a drug overdose, which caused him to have a massive stroke. He also went blind in one eye.
5. He never fully recovered from his overdose, which is what kept him ill and led to his recent death.
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Tag: J. paul getty III,J. Paul Getty III Dies at Age 54 J. Paul Getty III, Dead at Age 54 After Life of Turmoil,J. Paul Getty III, Dead at Age 54 After Life of Turmoil Warung Bebas Videos
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