|  | |  | | | | |  | Overheard on Morning Joe The harsh reality of foreign relations Joe Scarborough on leaving Mubarak in power: "[It] is one of those deals that you make that foreign policy realists have to make all the time. There's a lot of wringing of hands right now, a lot of people who are impatient and want Mubarak tried and run out of town tomorrow - but it is not that simple." Watch the video. Did U.S. misread the situation in Egypt? Hardball host Chris Matthews: "At least Mubarak had a plan: he wanted his kid to replace him. What was our plan?...I worry about our inability to do the job. We have Arabic speakers in the State Department, can't their dispatchers reach the top?." MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan: "I think our plan was we were going to go with [Mubarak's son] as well...We are trying to maneuver and be on the side of the winner...We just look dreadful, quite frankly." Watch the video. Prepping for the big game Super Bowl IX MVP and Fmr. Pittsburgh Steeler Franco Harris "Our first Super Bowl was in New Orleans -- and you know New Orleans...[Coach Noll] said 'go out there and have some fun but when we have to focus, shut it off'... When it came to game time, we were focused. And as you know, we ended up winning that game. Watch the video. | | Latest video | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | |  | Monday's guests: Mark Halperin, Politico, Nicole Lapin, Ed Rendell, Savannah Guthrie, Rep. Heath Shuler, David Remnick, Eugene Robinson, Erin Burnett, Brooklyn Decker, Roger Bennett | | | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | Zeitgeist Video: Williams stops by '30 Rock' |  | | | | | |  | | | | | To remove yourself from the list simply click here to unsubscribe. Click here to manage your e-mail preferences. MSNBC Interactive News - One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052 | |  |
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