|  | |  | | | | |  | Overheard on Morning Joe RX for health care Joe Scarborough: "We have to get market forces into this system, so we don't reward repetitive care and unnecessary tests. That's something we all can agree on and that's what's causing the problems right now, for the most part." The importance of Egypt's army Richard Haass, Council on Foreign Relations President: "I don't believe the patience of the masses is for this to play out until the fall...[new Egypt VP] Suleiman and the leaders of the Egyptian army are really going to have to decide which way they want this to play out. I think, in the next couple of days, the army will have to make a fateful decision for itself and its country." Watch the video. Thundersnow shocks weatherman  As the snow-hit Midwest digs out, msnbc's Willie Geist recaps the best of the coverage, including The Weather Channel's Jim Cantore's reaction to thundersnow. Watch the video. | | Latest video | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | |  | Friday's guests: Mike Barnicle, Pat Buchanan, Terry McAuliffe, Politico, Nicole Lapin, Eugene Robinson, Chuck Todd, David Gregory, Franco Harris, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes, Bryan Burrough... | | | | | | | |  | |  | | | | | | Zeitgeist Video: 'Holy smoke!' Thundersnow fires up weatherman |  | | | | | |  | | | | | To remove yourself from the list simply click here to unsubscribe. Click here to manage your e-mail preferences. MSNBC Interactive News - One Microsoft Way - Redmond, WA 98052 | |  |
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