Psoriasis Can't Keep Kim Down
Tonight on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim was diagnosed with psoriasis. While not as scary as the ringworm Khloe suspected it was, the disease is that, understandably hit Kim hard.

I do not know if they are intentionally trying to make Kris look like an insensitive, money-hungry madwoman who cares less about her daughters' feelings than making a buck, but they are doing it well.
As a sufferer herself, you would think she would have been more sympathetic to Kim's concern, but instead she laughed when Kim showed her the psoriasis.
In addition to her entire career, Kim was worried about a specific commercial she shoot she was doing the next day when her body was covered with psoriasis. Kris had little sympathy & told Kim she was blowing the whole thing "out of proportion" - there was a commission for her at stake, dammit.
"You are going to have to suck it up," she told her. After fighting with Kim about it, she stormed out. “You are so rude," she shouted. "Call me when you calm down, princess.”
Uh, who's rude?
For someone whose entire career has been based on her looks, I'd say for an incurable disease like this Kim's reaction was actually pretty calm. While there are some treatments, there is no cure, & it can get extremely bad in some cases.
Fortunately Kim decided not to let psoriasis keep her out the spotlight. Her makeup artist was able to cover the spots successfully, & the shoot went off without a hitch.
The only downer was that Kris got her way in the end again. "I am just happy that we got it all back where it needs to be, & I am getting my 10 percent,” she said.
Hope it is worth it, Kris.
Posted by Julie Ryan Evans on July 25, 2011 at 12:23 AM
What did you think of the way Kris Jenner reacted to Kim's diagnosis with psoriasis?
Tags: eczema, ringworm, sirius
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