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Written By Anonymous on September 11, 2011 | 2:46 AM


september 11

A counterterrorism source told the AP news agency that authorities are investigating the intelligence received information on Wednesday night.

Officials also said that documents found during the raid against Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May, showed al-Qaeda attacks considering the conjunction with the commemoration of September 11.

The 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people will take place at the location of the WTC-called Zero Point, on Sunday, September 11, 2011.

President Obama and President George W Bush will attend the commemoration.

The days before the 10th anniversary of attacks, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said there were concerns about the emergence of new threats.

"We are particularly worried over something that might happen on the anniversary of 11 September as we see in some of the documents Osama bin Laden that there was discussion about the 10th anniversary," he said.

But she said New York is safer than 10 years ago, although there is no full guarantee.

"We do not know what we did not know and we do all the things I'm sure we can take to protect this city, but this is a dangerous world," he added. Warung Bebas Videos


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