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Coming up on NBC Nightly News

Written By Anonymous on November 15, 2010 | 1:07 PM


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Tonight on NBC Nightly News
Air travel during the Thanksgiving rush can be stressful enough, but harsh new TSA screening procedures meant to deter terrorism are leading to even more stress and uncertainty than usual. Even so the TSA says it's standing firm on the new procedures, as stories of intrusive pat-downs and long security lines grow. Tom Costello has the latest and Jim Maceda reports from London on security measures in Europe, where terror bombing attempts have originated.
Also, Ireland accepts a massive bailout from the EU and IMF; the FBI raids several hedge funds in a wide-ranging insider-trading investigation; a stampede in Cambodia leaves dozens dead; Lester Holt reports from Afghanistan on the brave soldiers who rescue those injured in combat; what's in Sarah Palin's new book; and Tom Brokaw's report on the real story of how Facebook has changed our world.
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Nov. 22: The British government has pledged billions to help bailout the ailing Irish economy, as part of an international rescue effort. The British Chancellor called Ireland 'friends' and important trading partners. ITV's Lucy Manning reports.    (Nightly News)The British government has pledged billions to help bailout the ailing Irish economy, as part of an international rescue effort. The British Chancellor called Ireland 'friends' and important trading partners. ITV's Lucy Manning reports.   (Nightly News)

Nov. 22: The struts, stamps and puffed chests are all part of an aggressive, swaggering half century old ceremony at the Wagah Border between Pakistan and India.  For the thousands of people who come to watch, the show is an entertaining choreographed show.  Politicians on both sides have considered toning down the ceremony, but will they?   NBC's Sohel Uddin reports. (Nightly News)The struts, stamps and puffed chests are all part of an aggresive, swaggering half century old ceremony at the Wagah Border between Pakistan and India.  For the thousands of people who come to watch, the show is an entertaining choreographed show.  Politicians on both sides have considered toning down the ceremony, but will they?   NBC's Sohel Uddin reports. (Nightly News)

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