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In Tuesday's Newsnight

Written By Anonymous on November 30, 2010 | 7:43 AM

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Tuesday 30 November 2010 at 10.30pm on BBC 2
Presented by Jeremy Paxman

Does prison work? That's the question we'll be asking tonight when we broadcast from inside HM Prison High Down in Surrey, home to some 1100 inmates.

Jeremy has been meeting the prisoners to ask them about their experiences of life at her Majesty's pleasure - how did they end up in jail and do they think some time inside will "work" for them?

Jeremy will also be joined in the prison workshop by the Justice Secretary Ken Clarke, who any day now will be unveiling his prisons Green Paper on rehabilitation and sentencing policy.

Jeremy will be asking Mr Clarke if short term sentences - which have drawn scrutiny as the cost and population of jails rise - really work, or if they're too blame for terrible rates of recidivism.

Then Ken Clarke will debate how we should rehabilitate the country's criminals with an audience including current prisoners, ex-police officers, prison governors and academics.

Do join us for Newsnight behind bars tonight at 10.30pm on BBC Two.

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In a wide-ranging special interview, Jeremy Paxman talks to the writer, polemicist and commentator Christopher Hitchens about his cancer diagnosis, his life, his politics and writing.

Broadcast on Monday 29 November 2010.

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