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Contoh Denah Rumah 3: DESAIN RUMAH TIPE 74

Written By Anonymous on December 30, 2011 | 4:34 AM

Gambar Denah Tipe 74
Gambar Tampak Tipe 74

4:34 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Denah Rumah 2: DESAIN RUMAH TIPE 70 DI ATAS LAHAN 150 m2

Gambar Denah Tipe 70

Gambar Tampak Tipe 70

4:07 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Denah Rumah 1: DESAIN RUMAH TIPE 60 an

Written By Anonymous on December 29, 2011 | 8:04 PM

Perspektif Rumah Tipe 59
Penyesuaian warna dinding dengan kusen dan penempatan material batu alam yang dikombinasikan dengan relief minimalis dark grey memberikan tampilan rumah ini begitu elegan.

Denah Tipe 59

Sumber diambil dari: Kota Harapan Indah
8:04 PM | 0 comments


Gambar Tampak Tipe 508

Gambar Denah Lt. 1 Tipe 508
Gambar Denah Lt. 2 Tipe 508

                                                   Gambar Tampak Samping
8:26 AM | 0 comments


Perspektif Rumah Tipe 92

Gambar Denah Tipe 92

Gambar Tampak Tipe 92
7:16 AM | 0 comments


Written By Anonymous on December 25, 2011 | 6:40 AM

Sumber di ambil dari HUF HAUS
Desain ini menunjukkan bahwa arsiteknya tahu betul memanfaatkan view eksterior terhadap bangunan, khususnya ruang makan ini. Setiap hari anda disuguhi pemandangan alam yang indah luar biasa...

6:40 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Ruang Makan 3: PERABOT PEMBATAS RUANG

Sumber di ambil dari HUF HAUS
Penataan dan pemilihan jenis perabot yang tepat, sangat menentukan hasil akhir.
Pada gambar ini dapat kita lihat bahwa begitu bagusnya penataan perabot, desain pembatas ruang yang simple, penempatan pot tanaman sejenis (yang berbeda hanya tingginya saja).
6:18 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Ruang Keluarga 2: HANGAT BERMANDIKAN CAHAYA

Written By Anonymous on December 23, 2011 | 8:00 AM

Sumber diambil dari: HUF HAUS
Hilangkanlah pendapat bahwa jika anda terlalu banyak memberikan bukaan pada ruang keluarga, nanti kegiatan anda akan dilihat orang lain. Kenapa..?
Lihatlah ruang keluarga di samping ini, betapa luas, hangat dan segar bermandikan cahaya. Jikalau memang takut kegiatan anda untuk dilihat orang lain, bisa disiasati dengan memasang gorden.
Tapi saya yakin, rumah anda pasti sudah dikelilingi pagar. Dan tidak ada orang yang mau melompati pagar itu kecuali maling...
8:00 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Kamar Tidur 2: KONTRAS DAN ENERGIK

Sumber diambil dari: HUF HAUS
Memberikan bukaan yang luas pada salah satu bidang kamar tidur ini menjadikan kamar ini terasa luas. Kombinasi plafond gypsum dan lambersering pun memberikan kesan yang eksklusif. Sentuhan warna ungu pada karpet dan sebagian pada bed covernya sangat tepat, terlihat kontras namun menimbulkan kesan energik.

7:30 AM | 0 comments


Written By Anonymous on December 19, 2011 | 8:17 AM


Perspektif Tipe 46
Dengan penataan yang baik dan penambahan ornamen batu alam, rumah kecil tipe 46 inipun berkesan dan terasa luas.

Denah dan Tampak Tipe 46

8:17 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Rumah 7: RUMAH TIPE 140 (2 LANTAI), BERANI TAMPIL BEDA

Mempunyai tampilan bentuk rumah yang menarik merupakan impian semua orang. Hampir bisa dipastikan saat memulai sebuah proyek, kalimat "Rumah saya jangan mirip dengan rumah orang lain ya...." selalu saya terima dari klien.

Dengan model atap yang tampil beda dan memposisikan balkon di samping (biasanya di depan), rumah ini jadi menarik.

Untuk melihat denah rumah ini silahkan anda klik (denah lt. 1 tipe 140) dan (denah lt.2 tipe 140)

Rumah ini adalah rumah yang ditawarkan oleh perumahan Dhomeland Parit Indah Kota Pekanbaru. Jika ada warga kota Pekanbaru yang berminat dengan untuk memiliki rumah ini atau pun dari daerah lain yang berminat untuk berinvestasi rumah di kota Pekanbaru, silahkan hubungi saya di 0853 5524 5658 atau untuk informasi lebih jauh silahkan kunjungi blog http://dhomeland.wordpress.com/
4:09 AM | 0 comments

Home Theater Rooms Design

Written By Anonymous on December 18, 2011 | 4:00 PM

Home theater rooms, If you like to watch movie, and sometimes fill more enjoy for watch a movie on your home, why don't you build a personal home theater room? this time I will share you several sample of home theater rooms that you can apply one of them into your house.

Home theater rooms design 1

Personal home theater rooms
custom home theater room
perfect home theater room design

4:00 PM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Rumah 6: RUMAH TIPE 60, DI ATAS LAHAN 150 M2

Written By Anonymous on December 15, 2011 | 8:27 PM


Perspektif Tipe 60
Pada contoh desain rumah tipe 60 ini mempelihatkan bahwa jika denah rumah diatur dengan baik, maka akan didapat hasil yang maksimal. Dimana untuk ukuran luas lantai 60 m2, rumah inipun terasa nyaman.

Denah dan Tampak Tipe 60

8:27 PM | 0 comments



Mendisain rumah di atas lahan yang terbatas merupakan suatu tantangan bagi seorang arsitek untuk memenuhi keinginan kliennya.

Klien saya yang memiliki lahan dengan ukuran 11,5 m x 14 m ini, meminta agar supaya rumahnya nanti harus berkesan luas dan juga ia sangat mendambakan mempunyai halaman baik itu di depan maupun di belakang rumahnya.

Untuk melihat denah rumah ini silahkan anda klik (denah lt.1 tipe 105) dan (denah lt.2 tipe 105)
8:01 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Rumah 4: RUMAH BERLANTAI SPLIT, TIPE 140 (2 LANTAI)


Ketika mendisain rumah ini, saya berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan ruang dalam sebuah keluarga. Dengan menerapkan konsep lantai split akhirnya seluruh kebutuhan ruang tersebut bisa dipenuhi. Menghadirkan konsep yang unik, dimana ruang tamu diposisikan di atas garasi yang bisa diakses melalui anak tangga. Layaknya menaiki sebuah rumah panggung yang secara emosional memberikan kesan nan agung. Hal inilah yang menjadi suatu kebanggaan owner rumah ini.
Rumah ini berada di perumahan Cluster Dhomeland Dirgantara, kota Pekanbaru - Riau. Bagi warga pekanbaru yang berminat atau bagi anda yang ingin berinvestasi rumah di kota Pekanbaru ini merupakan pilihan yang patut dicermati. Silahkan kunjungi blognya dhomeland.wordpress.com atau langsung ke lokasi untuk melihat rumah contohnya.

Untuk melihat denah rumah ini dapat anda klik (denah lt.1 dan lt.split tipe 140) dan (denah lt.2 tipe 140)
7:35 AM | 0 comments

Contoh Desain Rumah 3: RUMAH MINIMALIS TIPE 80 (1 LANTAI)

Written By Anonymous on December 14, 2011 | 8:43 PM

Perspektif Rumah Tipe 80
Contoh tampilan rumah minimalis dengan luas lantai 80 meter persegi diatas tanah seluas 198 m2 dengan ukuran tanah 9 m x 22 m.

Gambar Denah Tipe 80

Gambar Tampak Tipe 80

8:43 PM | 0 comments


Seiring dengan meningkatnya kemampuan finansial dan kebutuhan ruang pada rumah anda, ada saatnya anda akan melakukan renovasi rumah. Jika renovasi yang akan dilakukan berskala kecil mungkin anda tidak membutuhkan bantuan arsitek untuk menanganinya, namun akan sangat diperlukan jasa seorang arsitek apabila perubahan yang akan dilakukan sudah berskala besar. Hal ini untuk menghindari kerugian yang akan anda alami jika anda melakukannya tanpa berkonsultasi dengan arsitek.

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam melakukan renovasi rumah:
  1. Rencanakan dengan matang tentang apa-apa saja yang akan anda robah, bongkar atau tambahkan.
  2. Jika masih memungkinkan, usahakan mempertahankan bagian-bagian konstruksi bangunan. Dengan demikian, anda telah melakukan penghematan biaya renovasi.
  3. Penambahan beberapa ruangan terhadap bangunan secara tidak langsung akan merubah bentuk tampilan rumah anda terutama sekali pada rumah bertingkat. Usahakan untuk menselaraskan bentuknya dengan tampilan rumah anda. Jika tidak, ada kemungkinan bangunan tambahan itu kelihatan seperti menempel saja pada rumah anda dan tidak membentuk suatu kesatuan yang utuh.

Dalam hal ini saya mengambil contoh pada sebuah rumah yang pernah saya handle. Lihat gambar berikut:
Pemilik rumah ini berkeinginan untuk menambah luas garasi dan menambah kamar tidur pada lantai 2.
Owner mengharapkan perubahan nanti jangan sampai membongkar kuda2 atau atap, karena dia baru saja melakukan penggantian kuda2 dan atap baru.

gambar sebelum

Inilah bentuk tampilan rumah tersebut setelah dilakukan penambahan ruang-ruang sesuai keinginan owner.

Berusaha menselaraskan bentuk bangunan sehingga menjadi suatu kesatuan yang utuh.

gambar sesudah

Untuk melihat perubahan tata ruang dan penambahan beberapa ruangan pada lantai 2 bangunan ini
silahkan lihat dengan meng-klik (denah asal Lt.2) dan (denah perubahan Lt.2)
7:17 AM | 0 comments

DIY Home Decor Tips and Picture

Written By Anonymous on December 13, 2011 | 3:23 AM

DIY home decor or Do It by Yourself is mean that all of things that we can do by self in decorating a home, Now I will share you several DIY home decor tips from tipjunkie, it contains of easy step by step to decorate your own house by your self.
DIY Home Decor
The first picture is creating a framed jewelry organizer, and than a photo frame, zig zag rug and The any-paper holder. You can read about how to create a framed jewelry organizer on theprojectprowler.blogspot.com.

DIY home decoration
The 5'th picture is the Painting counter tops6. Tips to have a beautiful home and keep your pets7. Thrifty Bedroom: Butterfly Confidence8. Hanging topiary ball adorned with pink ruffles.

3:23 AM | 0 comments

DIY Home Decor Tips and Picture

DIY home decor or Do It by Yourself is mean that all of things that we can do by self in decorating a home, Now I will share you several DIY home decor tips from tipjunkie, it contains of easy step by step to decorate your own house by your self.
DIY Home Decor
The first picture is creating a framed jewelry organizer, and than a photo frame, zig zag rug and The any-paper holder. You can read about how to create a framed jewelry organizer on theprojectprowler.blogspot.com.

DIY home decoration
The 5'th picture is the Painting counter tops6. Tips to have a beautiful home and keep your pets7. Thrifty Bedroom: Butterfly Confidence8. Hanging topiary ball adorned with pink ruffles.

3:23 AM | 0 comments

Home Decor tips for New Year Eve

Written By Anonymous on December 05, 2011 | 12:34 AM

Home decor for new year eve is simple, you can classically decorate your home with the same with last year decoration. Commonly, a new year home decor is just adding several accessories such as balloon, candles, cut of papers, metallic star, etc. Here are the latest SERP about home decor for new year eve:

  1. Change your living room into a cool dance floor. Make a disco ball by buying a plain hand made paper (ball shaped) lamp shade and stick the old compact CD bits on the lamp shade. Place it at the centre of your dance floor and dance with your own disco set up
  2. Showcasing the events that happened in last year. Make a collage of photographs relating to top news stories or personal events mentioning the time and date the events took place.
  3. Consider adding décor into your festivities as well! It can be as simple as adding star punches to your hats and horn blowers or more involved projects if you have time. It's fun to throw confetti, but it can kind of be a pain.
  4. Translate that charm to the everyday by using portable lamps to illuminate any remaining dark or dreary areas in your house.

Your decorations can also be practical. Enter these napkins and stemmed glass markers! Simply punching the corner of your beverage napkins with a star hand punch quickly and easily adds a custom look to an otherwise utilitarian item.
To create drink markers, stamp the clock from the Tartan 'n Time stamp set using the mini stamp press onto assorted, colorful cardstocks so each person can have their own color. Punch out with large squeeze punch and punch out center with pop-up circle punch. Cut a slit from outer edge to center to feed onto stem. Now you have solved any drink confusion in advance as well as added to your festive décor!
12:34 AM | 0 comments

Best Home Design for Modern Office Design

Written By Anonymous on November 11, 2011 | 8:36 AM

Best Home Design for Office
Best Home Design for Office

Best Home design can be applied both for residential or office, this time I will share you several best home ideas for designing  an office. Most of best office design usually used modern architecture and interior design, but actually the most difficult on designing an office is how to choose the best office goods and then combining the goods with the interior theme.

Office environment usually dominated with goods with similar vendor, such as this best home office design with PCs from Mac. People who use PCs may or may not care about the design of their products. Mac users always care. Apple is known for the innovative design of everything it creates from the iPod to the ultra-thin Macbook Air. Not to be outdone by the creators of the products, Mac users challenge themselves to set up their equipment in creative, aesthetically pleasing ways. In other words, Mac users create home and office setups that reflect just how cool they are for using a Mac.
8:36 AM | 0 comments

Best Home Design for Modern Office Design

Best Home Design for Office
Best Home Design for Office

Best Home design can be applied both for residential or office, this time I will share you several best home ideas for designing  an office. Most of best office design usually used modern architecture and interior design, but actually the most difficult on designing an office is how to choose the best office goods and then combining the goods with the interior theme.

Office environment usually dominated with goods with similar vendor, such as this best home office design with PCs from Mac. People who use PCs may or may not care about the design of their products. Mac users always care. Apple is known for the innovative design of everything it creates from the iPod to the ultra-thin Macbook Air. Not to be outdone by the creators of the products, Mac users challenge themselves to set up their equipment in creative, aesthetically pleasing ways. In other words, Mac users create home and office setups that reflect just how cool they are for using a Mac.
8:36 AM | 0 comments

Best Home Design Architecture

Best Home Design
Best Home Design

Best Home Design, as you know that this blog is the best place to browse for best home design, best home architecture, best home decoration and best home trends. I really recommend this blog as a source of best home design. On this time, I will share you several best home design with best architecture.

The process of home design architecture requires you to spend enough time and effort to achieve best results. Best Home Design architecture can be a complicated process if you do not know how to deal and handle it.Perhaps you might need professional to help with your home design plans if you are not pretty sure how will you do it in the first place. But even if you hire professionals to aid you in your home design plans you still have to know a few guidelines to achieve the best.

Here are several ideas to achieve best home design
1. Set your budget for the home plans
The first thing that you should consider as you begin the process of home design is by knowing how much you are willing to spend. Your budget will determine the extent and limit of your home design plans.

2. Choose the best home design plans
Home design can give your home a newer and fresher look and if ever you live by the house which design you do not prefer, the need for home remodeling and decorating is absolute. The new home design must be according to what your heart desires that reflects your personality.
3. Think of home design that just need simple remodeling in both present and future needs
Unless you have the capacity to change your home design in a matter of few years, you can have design that will cater only your present needs. But if you can’t do that then you should consider a home design that can satisfy both your present and future needs.
4. Hire best home decorator with professional jobs
Home design planning can be easy if you know specifically what you need and what you want, but putting it in action can be the most critical one. That is why many opt to hire professionals that can help them in achieving best results.

7:39 AM | 0 comments

Best Home Design Architecture

Best Home Design
Best Home Design

Best Home Design, as you know that this blog is the best place to browse for best home design, best home architecture, best home decoration and best home trends. I really recommend this blog as a source of best home design. On this time, I will share you several best home design with best architecture.

The process of home design architecture requires you to spend enough time and effort to achieve best results. Best Home Design architecture can be a complicated process if you do not know how to deal and handle it.Perhaps you might need professional to help with your home design plans if you are not pretty sure how will you do it in the first place. But even if you hire professionals to aid you in your home design plans you still have to know a few guidelines to achieve the best.

Here are several ideas to achieve best home design
1. Set your budget for the home plans
The first thing that you should consider as you begin the process of home design is by knowing how much you are willing to spend. Your budget will determine the extent and limit of your home design plans.

2. Choose the best home design plans
Home design can give your home a newer and fresher look and if ever you live by the house which design you do not prefer, the need for home remodeling and decorating is absolute. The new home design must be according to what your heart desires that reflects your personality.
3. Think of home design that just need simple remodeling in both present and future needs
Unless you have the capacity to change your home design in a matter of few years, you can have design that will cater only your present needs. But if you can’t do that then you should consider a home design that can satisfy both your present and future needs.
4. Hire best home decorator with professional jobs
Home design planning can be easy if you know specifically what you need and what you want, but putting it in action can be the most critical one. That is why many opt to hire professionals that can help them in achieving best results.

7:39 AM | 0 comments

Gazebo Plans for your Garden

Written By Anonymous on November 09, 2011 | 9:16 AM

Gazebo Plans
Gazebo Plans

Gazebo plans are used for completing your garden with a small building that can be used for rest while enjoying your garden, there are a lot of information about gazebo plans on internet, most of the sources of the information tell you about how to build, installing, or designing a gazebo.

Gazebo Plans Installation

Installing a gazebo in your yard or garden is the perfect way to create a welcoming retreat for family and friends to enjoy the scenery and lounge outdoors. Depending on your garden's style, there is more than likely a variety of gazebo designs that will suit your style, landscape and pocketbook. The subsequent article discusses gazebo installation and design to suit any garden style. 

The most commonly found gazebo designs resemble Victorian style structures; these are generally built from wood that can be left natural or painted white typically. This type of style is still popular in both public and private gardens. Kits can readily be found at home improvement and garden centers. Of course, an enterprising builder can even design a plan to perfectly suit the setting. Victorian style gazebos may be simple affairs with floor, railings and roofs or highly ornate with built-in benches, stairs and ramps. These designs are generally open-air structures but it is possible to incorporate screens for those areas with significant mosquito populations. 

Many Victorian style gazebos also feature climbing plants. For example, the gazebo's base may be constructed with lattice-work which is the perfect support for English ivy or climbing roses. When settled within the garden, this becomes the perfect backdrop for any setting. For a romantic and secluded arrangement, consider installing tall trellises around the gazebo and hang baskets of flowers from hooks along the gazebo's rim. This style is perfectly adapted to formal English style gardens or rustic country landscapes.

For Oriental gardens, consider outfitting your yard with a pagoda-style gazebo. The wood could be left natural or painted black and red and then heavily lacquered for dramatic effect. There are many Oriental garden ornaments and plants to select to surround your gazebo for an overall great effect. Consider suspending hanging lanterns around the open sections of the pavilion or installing a small garden pond nearby filled with Chinese goldfish.A strictly formal garden can always incorporate a Victorian style gazebo, but consider one made from brick or even stone. Such construction materials will be more costly, but they will also endure the elements quite well and add a stately charm to any formal estate. These gazebos could even be fitted with windows to enjoy the outdoors behind glass in cold or stormy weather. This style could be built right off the house or set somewhere in the landscape overlooking a ridge perhaps or a stream.

Some gardeners prefer a very understated or minimalist approach when it comes to style and a gazebo need not be an ornate or overstated structure to work well. A rustic square style with four posts, a floor and a roof can provide all that is necessary to enjoy the outdoors. Such gazebos are perfect places for outdoor entertaining. A simple set of tables and chairs along with a few lovely containers for plants and you've created a wonderful outdoor room. source
9:16 AM | 0 comments

Gazebo Plans for your Garden

Gazebo Plans
Gazebo Plans

Gazebo plans are used for completing your garden with a small building that can be used for rest while enjoying your garden, there are a lot of information about gazebo plans on internet, most of the sources of the information tell you about how to build, installing, or designing a gazebo.

Gazebo Plans Installation

Installing a gazebo in your yard or garden is the perfect way to create a welcoming retreat for family and friends to enjoy the scenery and lounge outdoors. Depending on your garden's style, there is more than likely a variety of gazebo designs that will suit your style, landscape and pocketbook. The subsequent article discusses gazebo installation and design to suit any garden style. 

The most commonly found gazebo designs resemble Victorian style structures; these are generally built from wood that can be left natural or painted white typically. This type of style is still popular in both public and private gardens. Kits can readily be found at home improvement and garden centers. Of course, an enterprising builder can even design a plan to perfectly suit the setting. Victorian style gazebos may be simple affairs with floor, railings and roofs or highly ornate with built-in benches, stairs and ramps. These designs are generally open-air structures but it is possible to incorporate screens for those areas with significant mosquito populations. 

Many Victorian style gazebos also feature climbing plants. For example, the gazebo's base may be constructed with lattice-work which is the perfect support for English ivy or climbing roses. When settled within the garden, this becomes the perfect backdrop for any setting. For a romantic and secluded arrangement, consider installing tall trellises around the gazebo and hang baskets of flowers from hooks along the gazebo's rim. This style is perfectly adapted to formal English style gardens or rustic country landscapes.

For Oriental gardens, consider outfitting your yard with a pagoda-style gazebo. The wood could be left natural or painted black and red and then heavily lacquered for dramatic effect. There are many Oriental garden ornaments and plants to select to surround your gazebo for an overall great effect. Consider suspending hanging lanterns around the open sections of the pavilion or installing a small garden pond nearby filled with Chinese goldfish.A strictly formal garden can always incorporate a Victorian style gazebo, but consider one made from brick or even stone. Such construction materials will be more costly, but they will also endure the elements quite well and add a stately charm to any formal estate. These gazebos could even be fitted with windows to enjoy the outdoors behind glass in cold or stormy weather. This style could be built right off the house or set somewhere in the landscape overlooking a ridge perhaps or a stream.

Some gardeners prefer a very understated or minimalist approach when it comes to style and a gazebo need not be an ornate or overstated structure to work well. A rustic square style with four posts, a floor and a roof can provide all that is necessary to enjoy the outdoors. Such gazebos are perfect places for outdoor entertaining. A simple set of tables and chairs along with a few lovely containers for plants and you've created a wonderful outdoor room. source
9:16 AM | 0 comments

Modern Bedroom Design for Small House

Written By Anonymous on November 03, 2011 | 7:49 AM

Modern bedroom design not only can be applied for luxury or an elegant house, a small house with minimalist style can also used this modern theme. Here are several information and sample picture of modern bedroom design for small house.
Who knows, with a few this decorative, you might be able to remodel your own bedrooms to similar effect.Below picture is a modern bedroom design with amazing lighting, if you love soft illumination and hate to sacrifice privacy, this bedroom interior has a brilliant combination of strategies from uplighting around the bed itself to wall panels that block direct views and sunlight but let light in around them.
Modern Bedroom Design
Another ideas to get a modern bedroom design for a small house is combining the bedroom with bathroom, below picture is one of modern bedroom that combined with similar theme bathroom.
Ultramodern bedroom and bathroom design
 And here are another image of modern bedroom design that especially designed for small house, apartment, residence, etc.

Modern Bedroom Design in white color

Warm modern bedroom design
Warm modern bedroom design

Modern Bedroom design with black and white
Modern Bedroom design with black and white

Modern Bedroom design with minimalist ancient furniture
Modern Bedroom design with minimalist ancient furniture

7:49 AM | 0 comments

Modern Bedroom Design for Small House

Modern bedroom design not only can be applied for luxury or an elegant house, a small house with minimalist style can also used this modern theme. Here are several information and sample picture of modern bedroom design for small house.
Who knows, with a few this decorative, you might be able to remodel your own bedrooms to similar effect.Below picture is a modern bedroom design with amazing lighting, if you love soft illumination and hate to sacrifice privacy, this bedroom interior has a brilliant combination of strategies from uplighting around the bed itself to wall panels that block direct views and sunlight but let light in around them.
Modern Bedroom Design
Another ideas to get a modern bedroom design for a small house is combining the bedroom with bathroom, below picture is one of modern bedroom that combined with similar theme bathroom.
Ultramodern bedroom and bathroom design
 And here are another image of modern bedroom design that especially designed for small house, apartment, residence, etc.

Modern Bedroom Design in white color

Warm modern bedroom design
Warm modern bedroom design

Modern Bedroom design with black and white
Modern Bedroom design with black and white

Modern Bedroom design with minimalist ancient furniture
Modern Bedroom design with minimalist ancient furniture

7:49 AM | 0 comments
