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Written By Anonymous on February 09, 2012 | 9:24 AM

Perspektif Rumah Tipe 100
Penampilan rumah tipe 100 ini memang seperti rumah bertingkat. Hal ini dikarenakan desain rumah ini menerapkan konsep lantai split. Dimana teras rumah dan ruang tamu ditempatkan di atas garasi yang berada pada elevasi 2,20 meter. Yang apabila dibandingkan dengan rumah bertingkat yang biasanya elevasi lantai 2 berada pada ketinggian antara 3,50 meter sampai dengan 4,00 meter. Jadi bisa dikatakan bahwa rumah ini adalah desain rumah satu setengah lantai.
Pada judul posting ini mengatakan bahwa "Desain Rumah Tipe 100 Tidak Bertingkat" bukanlah tidak beralasan. Karena
pada dasarnya ruangan-ruangan lainnya seperti ruang keluarga, ruang makan, kamar tidur utama dan kamar tidur serta toilet berada pada lantai dasar. Hanya aktivitas menerima tamu saja yang dilakukan pada lantai split tadi dan itupun hanya menaiki tangga dengan ketinggian 2,20 meter saja.
Dengan menerapkan konsep lantai split, rumah tipe 100 ini hanya membutuhkan lahan 144 m2 dengan ukuran 9 x 16 meter. Selain bisa mengakomodasi kebutuhan 3 buah kamar tidur, toilet, ruang makan, dapur dan ruang keluarga, bagi penghuni yang memiliki mobil lebih dari satu pun bisa merasa aman menempatkan kendaraannya karena sebab di depan garasi masih tersisa ruang carport yang dapat digunakan.
Rumah tipe 100 tidak bertingkat ini berada di Cluster Dhomeland Dirgantara, Pekanbaru - Riau. Bagi yang berminat bisa menebus rumah ini dengan Rp. 585 juta saja. Atau untuk sekedar mencari informasi lebih lanjut silakan kunjungi websitenya Rumah Di Pekanbaru

denah tipe 100

9:24 AM | 0 comments


Written By Anonymous on February 02, 2012 | 6:53 AM

Dear Friend,

My name is Mr.Patrick Kooh, I'm a Singaporean and a seasoned Banker with Malaysia HSBC Bank (Malaysia office), am as well an account officer to a deceased customer of our bank, we lost this customer in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December 2004 in Sumatra Indonesia. http://asc-india.org/lib/20041226-sumatra.htm and his account of US$30.761 million with us have been unclaimed due to unavailability of next of kin/relatives to
claim his estate.

My late customer was awarded two different contracts with Shell Development Company here before his untimely demise on 26th December 2004 In accordance with the escheat laws in Malaysia as a kingdom, the board of directors of the bank met forth night ago and resolved to turn the estate of the deceased over to Government having waited for too long without the deceased relatives/next of kin surfacing property and if this is done, invariably, the funds will end up to become Government property and it is as a result of this that am moved to contact you considering the fact that you share almost the same name with the deceased.

In view of this, I am seeking your cooperation and understanding to stand as the deceased next of kin to enable us claim the inheritance before the period given by the bank elapse. If you are interested and in agreement with me, get back to me quickly and I will send to you all our bank contacts and the information you may need to proceed without coming to Malaysia, and be rest assured that it is risk free project and the proceedings will be shared 50% each once the fund are repatriated into your account anywhere in the world.

Please reply patrickkooh119@gmx.com immediately with your information including your telephone number for easy
communication and oral discussion. I await your prompt response immediately.

Best Regards.

Mr.Patrick Kooh

6:53 AM | 0 comments


Dear Friend,

My name is Mr.Patrick Kooh, I'm a Singaporean and a seasoned Banker with Malaysia HSBC Bank (Malaysia office), am as well an account officer to a deceased customer of our bank, we lost this customer in the tsunami disaster on the 26th December 2004 in Sumatra Indonesia. http://asc-india.org/lib/20041226-sumatra.htm and his account of US$30.761 million with us have been unclaimed due to unavailability of next of kin/relatives to
claim his estate.

My late customer was awarded two different contracts with Shell Development Company here before his untimely demise on 26th December 2004 In accordance with the escheat laws in Malaysia as a kingdom, the board of directors of the bank met forth night ago and resolved to turn the estate of the deceased over to Government having waited for too long without the deceased relatives/next of kin surfacing property and if this is done, invariably, the funds will end up to become Government property and it is as a result of this that am moved to contact you considering the fact that you share almost the same name with the deceased.

In view of this, I am seeking your cooperation and understanding to stand as the deceased next of kin to enable us claim the inheritance before the period given by the bank elapse. If you are interested and in agreement with me, get back to me quickly and I will send to you all our bank contacts and the information you may need to proceed without coming to Malaysia, and be rest assured that it is risk free project and the proceedings will be shared 50% each once the fund are repatriated into your account anywhere in the world.

Please reply patrickkooh119@gmx.com immediately with your information including your telephone number for easy
communication and oral discussion. I await your prompt response immediately.

Best Regards.

Mr.Patrick Kooh

1:23 AM | 0 comments