Interior Design Ideas on Choosing and Arranging Office Furniture Tips
Written By Anonymous on September 21, 2009 | 12:51 PM
Interior Design Ideas on Choosing and Arranging Office Furniture Tips
Written By Anonymous on September 20, 2009 | 6:43 AM
Pada gambar dapat dilihat bahwa dapur ini sebagai jalur sirkulasi ke belakang rumah. Kegiatan memasak tidak terganggu karena penempatan meja untuk sarapan berfungsi sebagai penghalang.
Sumber diambil dari: DAVINCI HAUS
Contoh Desain Kitchen Set 1: BERSIH, NYAMAN DAN FUNGSIONAL
Written By Anonymous on September 19, 2009 | 10:36 AM
Anggapan kitchen set yang merupakan hanya sebuah dapur bersih harus dibuang jauh-jauh.
Pada gambar dapat dilihat bahwa dapur bisa juga memperindah sudut ruangan anda dan juga berfungsi sebagai tempat sarapan.
Jika dapur anda sudah seperti ini kenapa mesti malu untuk dilihat kolega anda ketika sedang memasak?
Sumber diambil dari: HUF HAUS
Contoh Disain Kamar Mandi 3: AROMATIK DAN ESTETIK
Selain itu furniture yang simple dan multi fungsi akan menambah keindahan dan keleluasaan dalam kamar mandi.
Bagian atas lemari dinding berfungsi sebagai display dan juga tempat tanaman dan lighting point. Dibalik kacanya terdapat rak-rak yang dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan peralatan mandi lainnya.
Sumber diambil dari: DAVINCI HAUS
Home Office Design Ideas with Fresh and Unique Design for Workspaces
Written By Anonymous on September 18, 2009 | 12:17 PM
If you've been wondering how to set up your office at home, keep in mind that to help make your home office set up go more smoothly, you'll want to be efficient. You may have all the home office design ideas in the world, but until you actually pull it all together you won't get much work done.
If you need some remodeling done to accommodate your home office set up, the next step will be demolition to remove existing partitions, shelving, etc. that are not part of your new home office design ideas.
Install any electical, phone or cable outlets, cabinetry, shelving, and/or wall partitions on your plan - ideally while the space is already empty.
Home Office Design Ideas with Fresh and Unique Design for Workspaces
If you've been wondering how to set up your office at home, keep in mind that to help make your home office set up go more smoothly, you'll want to be efficient. You may have all the home office design ideas in the world, but until you actually pull it all together you won't get much work done.
If you need some remodeling done to accommodate your home office set up, the next step will be demolition to remove existing partitions, shelving, etc. that are not part of your new home office design ideas.
Install any electical, phone or cable outlets, cabinetry, shelving, and/or wall partitions on your plan - ideally while the space is already empty.
Summer House Design, Antique Prefab Wooden House
Written By Anonymous on September 14, 2009 | 10:25 AM
Summer House Design, Antique Prefab Wooden House
DesignSpotter Creative Work on Lighting System
Written By Anonymous on September 13, 2009 | 8:54 AM
A spiral staircase with unusual balustrade. Glass Balusters with an inclined top allow for finger clearance and an ideal fixing point for the stainless steel handrail. The glass treads are supported by rolled interlocking stainless steel bracket welded to the pole.
Designer: Geoffrey Packer (United Kingdom)
Manufacturer: (United Kingdom)
orchid light is a feature pendant / table / floor standing light.
inspired by sensuous orchid flowers, each flower is hand dyed sometimes up to three different times, layering the colours in surprising and unexpected ways. Each light is made to order in 20% any colours you desire!
Designer: marc pascal (Australia)
Manufacturer: marc pascal - m2 products (Australia)
Inspired By: orchid flowers
Material: polycarbonate, stainless steel, Forton
Colours: made to order
Dimension: pendant aprox 110 x 850 x 850mm
Price: AUD 1400
Pile Light is a lamp shade made from polypropylene which utilizes a curved grid structure with identical pieces of polypropylene attached to each 'window'. Peering through the center of the light is quite extraordinary!
Designer: Christopher Tomoya James (Australia)
DesignSpotter Creative Work on Lighting System
A spiral staircase with unusual balustrade. Glass Balusters with an inclined top allow for finger clearance and an ideal fixing point for the stainless steel handrail. The glass treads are supported by rolled interlocking stainless steel bracket welded to the pole.
Designer: Geoffrey Packer (United Kingdom)
Manufacturer: (United Kingdom)
orchid light is a feature pendant / table / floor standing light.
inspired by sensuous orchid flowers, each flower is hand dyed sometimes up to three different times, layering the colours in surprising and unexpected ways. Each light is made to order in 20% any colours you desire!
Designer: marc pascal (Australia)
Manufacturer: marc pascal - m2 products (Australia)
Inspired By: orchid flowers
Material: polycarbonate, stainless steel, Forton
Colours: made to order
Dimension: pendant aprox 110 x 850 x 850mm
Price: AUD 1400
Pile Light is a lamp shade made from polypropylene which utilizes a curved grid structure with identical pieces of polypropylene attached to each 'window'. Peering through the center of the light is quite extraordinary!
Designer: Christopher Tomoya James (Australia)